Our Group 'Casketafse' COnsists of these peepz: Damian Gould, Jamie Flynn, Shane Perry, Jonny Mabbitt, Joey Crossley and occasionally Adam Mettingson. Almost all of us have side projects. Thats why i'm here:
Damian Gould - Caksetfase Guitarist and SoulerEclipse Guitarist
Jamie Flynn - Casketfase Guitarist and Singer and SoulerEclipse Singer/Guitarist
Jony MAbbitt- Casketfase Guitar and Singer and Demonunit Guitarist
Shane Perry - Casketfase Drummer and Singer and Demonunit Drummer
Joey Crossley - Casketfase Bassist and Koother BAssist
Adam Mettingson - Casketfase Occasional Drummer and Saturncrow 9Soon to NG) Pianist
Koother Song
Closest Furthest
Demonunit Song
Never Feel Pain Again